As we know, send emails from PHP scripts can
sometimes be vital. We see this in practice nearly every day, especially with
registration forms. Most of the times, when we register on a new website, we
receive an email from the company which requires us to follow a link to verify
that it was a person who submitted the request. This is also the case when we
are resetting a password. We receive an email with a random password or to
follow a link to create a new password.
Several things exist to send emails from PHP. Among
them we find the normal mail() function, the sendmail application, and other
scripts which allow us to send emails.
To send an email, the SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer
Protocol) Protocol is used. This protocol uses port 25 for communication. This
means that port 25 must not be blocked on our firewall in the first place.
Several forms of SMTP servers exist, and we might not have one running on our
local machine. There are several setups which we might come across:
- SMTP Server without authentication
- SMTP Server with authentication
- SMTP Server with authentication and SSL
SMTP Servers without authentication are become
rarer, due to the fact that these are many times used by spammers and thus were
blacklisted by ISPs as spamming engines. SMTP Servers with authentication
require a username and a password to allow mail to pass through. Many times,
they use the username and password used for the incoming mail server. SSL is a
form of encryption which increases the level of security as the messages are
not sent in plain text format.
One good common SMTP server is the Gmail SMTP
Server. This allows users who have an account with Gmail to authenticate and
send emails through the server. Gmail uses SSL and this means that it uses port
465 instead of port 25. SSL is not always enabled in PHP, so it is useful to
turn it on.
Enabling SSL
in PHP
SSL is required by Gmail and other SMTP servers
using SSL. This means that we need to enable it in PHP. There are a few easy
steps to enable SSL in XAMPP which I am using for my testing environment. The
first thing is to stop the Apache service. Then copy libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll
from the php directory to the apache/bin directory, overwriting the existing
copies. Then, make sure that there is an entry for the open SSL extension in
the php.ini file. The entry should be like this: extension=php_openssl.dll, without the semicolon in the front. Then
start the Apache service again. The service should start with SSL support.
PHP Mail Function
The PHP mail() function is a function used to send
emails. This takes 5 parameters:
- to
- subject
- message
- headers (optional)
- parameters (optional)
This function uses the SMTP configuration found in
the php.ini file. This mainly consists of SMTP server, smtp_port, sendmail_from
and sendmail_path. The SMTP server takes the address of the SMTP server, the
smtp_port takes the port which the SMTP is configured to work on. The
sendmail_from indicated the email address which is shown as the from address,
while the sendmail_path is the installation path of the sendmail application.
The code snippet below shows a sample of the mail function
$to = "";
$subject = "Test mail";
$message = "Hello! This is a simple
email message.";
$from = "";
$headers = "From:" . $from;
echo "Mail Sent.";
PHP Scripts
Several additional scripts exist apart from the
mail() function in PHP. Several people and groups of people went a step forward
and created complex mail functions to add more features to this important task
in PHP. During my research to send emails from PHP, due to the fact that mail()
function was not working, I found many advanced projects. Each project had its
own way to send emails and its own classes which needed importing to the actual
PHP function which I was using. As a matter of fact, I ended up using one of
these methods.
Pear and
Mail() Script
After a lot of problems with other functions and
setups, I managed to find a working script. I am not saying in any way that all
of the other scripts contained bugs, far from it, but I did not manage to make
them work. I used a Pear extension which actually managed to send emails. I
downloaded version 1.2.0 of their scripts which I placed in the directory of my
PHP file. I imported the file in my PHP file and then was able to call the
method. After setting up values for to, from, subject and body, I was able to
setup the server part in the code and then call the send function, as shown
$er = error_reporting(0);
require_once "Mail.php";
$host = "ssl://";
$port = "465";
$username = "danielborgmt";
$password = "mypassword";
$headers = array
=> $from,
=> $to,
=> $subject);
$smtp = Mail::factory('smtp', array
=> $host,
=> $port,
=> true,
=> $username,
=> $password));
$mail = $smtp->send($to, $headers, $body);
if (PEAR::isError($mail)) {
. $mail->getMessage() . "</p>");
The first line shows a function which disables
errors caused by not following the strict procedures. This function's result
ended up in my testing mailbox :)
My Issues
with PHP and Sending Emails
I experienced several issues when setting up this
application. Most of them were errors due to not understanding exactly how the
PHP sendmail function works, and other small issues with settings for the SMTP
servers. The list below shows a number of issues I had:
- did not properly setup php.ini and incorrect path for sendmail
- incorrect settings in sendmail.ini
- incorrect mail server address, incorrect username format, incorrect password
- incorrect server port
- using SMTP server with Authentication without providing a username and password
- disabled SSL
- closed ports on the Windows Firewall
After a whole week of struggling and research, I
managed to overcome these difficulties. The picture below shows a sample email
I sent from PHP.
Figure 1: Sample Email from PHP Script
Figure 2: Email details
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